Rich & Rita

Rita was a bold girl of fifteen years old when she decided to ask Rich out on their first date to the church hayrack ride. More than sixty years later, a move to Western Home Communities helped them rediscover each other and strengthen their bond.

She didn't know him well, but her mother thought he was cute and funny. So she bit the bullet and asked him out. Rich naturally agreed. They gathered for a hay rack ride on the old Nelson farm and made their way around the freshly harvested field on that fateful October evening.

Fast forward through raising kids, jobs, keeping house and all the other beautiful details called life to Rich and Rita enjoying their 54th wedding anniversary in their Villa on South Campus. They were reliving their first moments together and reminiscing about that fateful night when suddenly Rita realized- it was right here. The ground their home was built on was part of the old Nelson farm that set the scene for the rest of their lives together. The Nelson's home was still standing on South Campus, now home to atHome with Western Home. And though the corn was long gone, the memories of that first date will remain forever fresh in their mind.

Those details of life that were once such a blessing (including two sets of twins!) are now blessings that don't taking up all the waking hours of each day. Rita has had a chance to join Rich in his hobby of gardening and they enjoy cooking and just turning the TV off and getting to know each other in a new way. Having the extra time to do so, they are enjoying the rewards of volunteering at the Alliance Club, Tourism Bureau, Historical Society, and church. One of the things they enjoy the most is having the time to volunteer together as Santa and Mrs. Claus and seeing the smile that lights up the children's faces when they are with them.


VTH Neighbors